Thursday, August 21, 2008


Sorry about not posting for so long.  Hope you haven't been checking.....but then, maybe you should have and should have sent me a notice asking where I was!  :o)  We were at Bay Cliff Health  Camp for 9 days typing their end-of-year reports, a volunteer thing we do for this special place, and have also been in and out of town or had company.  It's been busy!  Haven't taken many ship pictures, either.  Did get a sunset, though.


Anonymous said...

That is just an absolutely stunning sunset shot Lee. Was it taken off Marquette or up by Bay Cliff?............

DeeDee said...

What a gorgeous picture...

DeeDee said...

Gorgeous sunset!!

Shippics said...

This was taken in Marquette at, appropriately, Sunset Point. Thanks.